Dog Found in Urine-Soaked Bags Along Railroad Track in NJ

Video posted by the shelter shows someone freeing the dog, which appeared to be trapped within three separate bags. The video shows a green bag whose shoulder straps are tied together. Inside that bag is another bag, which someone cuts open using a pair of scissors. Inside that bag is what appears to be a small duffel bag containing the dog. The dog, dubbed Coco, was “visibly shaken and lucky to be alive,” the shelter said. The shelter was evaluating the dog and reported the “horrific act of cruelty” to the Vineland Police Department.

Author: Theis

I Rolando Digiacomo have always had a deep interest in animals, which led me to study Veterinary Medicine. I am 31 years old and have been practicing as a vet for 5 years now. I love my job because it allows me to help animals in need and make them feel better. My dream is to open my own animal clinic one day where I can continue helping animals in need.

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