Saint Benard Rescue in Florida Saint Bernard Rescue- WWW

Just too big for the family. The same protocol will be followed as with small pups. Please, take the time to look around.

st.bernard rescue florida

We want you to love your baby for a lifetime and that is how long your Saint Bernard will love you. If you have any doubt that you can provide this to him, please, don’t submit a questionnaire. I do not want to see him misplaced again.

Author: Theis

I Rolando Digiacomo have always had a deep interest in animals, which led me to study Veterinary Medicine. I am 31 years old and have been practicing as a vet for 5 years now. I love my job because it allows me to help animals in need and make them feel better. My dream is to open my own animal clinic one day where I can continue helping animals in need.

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