10 Places To Find Maine Coon Kittens For Free

These organizations tend to be well connected to local breeders, therefore, they may know a breeder that is looking to rehome some of their kittens, because they have too many. The cost you pay will likely be to cover the kitten’s board, medical needs, food costs, staff costs, etc, incurred during the process of housing the Maine Coon kitten. Instead, potential owners should expect to pay for a Maine Coon kitten, at a seriously knocked down price. As the title indicates, these organizations have been set up to find Maine Coon kittens and cats a loving home to go to. Instead, regularly check the organization’s updated photo list, to see if a Maine Coon kitten has slipped through the net. The next step is to take the kitten to your local veterinary practice, to check for a microchip that identifies who owns the kitten, and where they live.

Sad scenarios also occur, therefore a Maine Coon kitten may have been abandoned in the catteries boarding facilities. A lower price healthy Maine Coon kitten is definitely still a bargain, even if you have to pay a small contribution for them. Therefore, to increase their chances of success individuals should ensure they keep in regular contact with all these free Maine Coon kitten channels. Before you start frantically scanning my list though, please remember that the search process may take you months, or even years. In this article, I will show you the top 10 places to find either free or low-cost Maine Coon kittens.

Whilst this might be their normal business model, it is not completely out of the question to find a cattery that may be looking after a rescued Maine Coon kitten. For those of you who are happy to put in the time, effort and commitment though, your search for the kitten breed of your dreams hopefully will not be in vain. Many breeders will deliberately breed Maine Coon kittens for show purposes. If you can prove you are a worthy owner of a pedigree or mixed Maine Coon kitten, you may luck out by being sold a low-cost Maine Coon kitten.

Author: Theis

I Rolando Digiacomo have always had a deep interest in animals, which led me to study Veterinary Medicine. I am 31 years old and have been practicing as a vet for 5 years now. I love my job because it allows me to help animals in need and make them feel better. My dream is to open my own animal clinic one day where I can continue helping animals in need.

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